Monday, July 26, 2010

Tom Ford

Designer Tom Ford has really impressed me I must say. To be able to expand his talents and skills to step forward as a film director is great, and he sure has been successful as a director. I just watched his film A Single Man with Colin Firth and Julianne Moore, as well as Nicholas Hoult from Skins, and couldn't have liked it more. It was shot incredibly well which only shows Ford's great eye for things considering he was the creative director for YSL and Gucci. The simplicity of the entire movie is really what made it very interesting to watch, and of course, the narration was the icing on the cake.

Even as much as the decision to create a trailer without one word shows the creativity this whole movie takes on.


  1. i went to see that movie on vday with esti :D it was great

  2. :) it really was. I loved the cinematography a lot.
