Thursday, August 12, 2010


I'm sorry i've been completely MIA for a while. Kind of been catching up on sleep and resting a lot this past week but this weekend and upcoming week and weekS, i'll be doing a lot of filming. I've been working simultaneously on two projects. One of the projects was the first one i started about 3 weeks ago, which is my documentary on the Lower East Side and its remaining culture, why people love it, why it's stands out versus other neighborhoods, etc. I for a while now, have said I was going to use this (what I'm guessing will be around 10 minute long film) for my admissions into colleges which i'll be applying to for film/photography/cinematography. However, as i've done more and more research on what colleges require for art portfolios, i've realized that i need to send them a much shorter video, nothing longer than 2 and a half minutes.

This realization is what inspired my newest project that i'm also working on. What I've decided to send to these colleges I'll be applying to will be about a 2 to 2 and a half minute stop-motion film that might possibly have time lapse effects weaved throughout it. As for a theme, I've come up with something along the lines of life's simplistic beauties. This idea that the most simple things in life are what make it beautiful.

I'm hoping to finish this stop-motion film by the end of August, including all of it's editing, etc. As for the documentary, keep an eye out! I'm hoping to finish by End of September, so Fall I guess. I'll probably be updating my followers more and more about that. I need to schedule more interviews for that project and set time aside to really work on that considering that project/film is a lot more to handle.

That's my life as of now!

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